Saturday, January 23, 2010

Finished projects and starting new ones

I have been finishing projects left and right because I feel so free now that I finished all of the jumpers for a lady in my ward. I don't feel guilty working on other projects because I know that I have them all done! IT is so nice. Anyway, Here are some of the crochet projects I have finished up.

I finally decided that with only about 3 months left, I better get started on making some little goodies for my little guy. Here is a little sweater that I made that is just waiting to get some buttons sewn on. I think it turned out really cute.

Then I brought out this project that has been sitting around for about a month like this and finished it in about 15 minutes. Seriously, why do I wait so long to finish these easy little projects? I don't know.

This is what it looks like now. With a little matching flower for a hair clip.

I made all of these hearts while my little girl was sick this week. We did a lot of sitting on the couch so I brought out my yarn and made lots of hearts. I saw these on a this blog and fell in love with all of her free patterns. But I decided this was a good one to make since valentines day is coming up and everything.

So I made this little one to hang up in our bathroom or somewhere and I also made on that I draped along our mantle. I will have to take a picture of that one later.

I also started these other projects that will keep me busy for a while. I have been meaning to make these things for such a long time and i finally started them and am so excited about them.

This is going to end up in a quiet book for my daughter. Her birthday is next month so hopefully I can finish it by then. I'm hoping it will keep her busy and quiet during church! I will also post where I got all of my page templates from after I finish the book.

I went through my closet and found all of these shirts that I don't wear anymore or that were given to me by my mom and brother. There are like 20 of them in all. Some I will make into clothes for my daughter but most I think will be pants and shorts for our little guy coming in April. I'm excited about this project too because sewing stuff from old t-shirts is easy and something that can be picked up and finished really quickly.

So that is what I have been up to this past week. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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